‘I, I give strength to my limbs; these whom I gather in’
You do not lack anything from the mysteries of the wisdom of God.
Much is … the wisdom that I have proclaimed to […], that which I have writ-ten for you in my holy books. You do not lack anything from the wisdom.
There is only this one thing: devote yourself to what is written you will love one another: the teachers will love the teachers, the wise ones, love the wise
ones, the bishops, love the bishops, the disciples, love the disciples, the broth-ers, love the brothers, also the sisters love the sisters; and you will all become children of a single undivided body.
Now, this is the way that you should behave, my loved ones, so that you will all possess this one love and one…; because this love is the seal of all your deeds.
For these bodies belong to you for a little while.
Therefore, man cannot remain without the seal of the love of his brotherhood and that of his redeemer.
Hail to you all! Hail to Sehbagan(Roshan Pidar, Spenta Zindag Madar and Ohrmazd)and the prophet Zoroaster!